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A320 NEO Air Corsica


Are you looking for non-commercial information on our company ? Information on our routes which do not relate to your journey, but concern Air Corsica in general : its identity, brand, creation history and fleet development, network, scale in key numbers : if you simply want to know more about us, everything is at your disposal in this section.


1989: birth of the Corsican Mediterranean Company   

Pierre-Philippe Ceccaldi, Local Government Councillor and also Chairman of the Transport Office, puts the idea to the Corsican Assembly who, after long deliberations over this project which was deemed “a bit mad”, are convinced. It is thus natural that Pierre-Philippe Ceccaldi be nominated as the company’s Chief Executive Chairman.

The creation of the regional company has three objectives:

- To give Corsica control over their air transport to set up a quality Public Service.

- To increase the frequency and reliability of Corsica-mainland connections by choosing an exceptionally suitable fleet for this service.

- To contribute to the economic and social development of the island.  

1990: the take-off year

The Corsican Mediterranean Company takes wing between Ajaccio, Bastia and Nice: the passengers are satisfied with the frequency of the flights to and from the island (up to five per day from Ajaccio and Bastia) and by the consistency of the service. The first hurdle is overcome…! Thanks primarily to the ATR72 module. A judicious choice that, from the first year of operating, makes it possible to balance the accounts and also to break away from the residual deficit of 55 million francs on the Public Service routes network between Corsica and the mainland.

1991: next stop Marseilles

The company continues its rise by launching its connections between Marseilles and Ajaccio, Bastia and Calvi.

The Wings of the Mediterranean also spreads out internationally with the opening of the first regular seasonal route between Ajaccio and Rome.

1992: European development

The European connections develop… In August 1992, Brussels establishes new access regulations for public markets. The legal system for Public Service concessions is replaced by three yearly invitations to tender on a European level. By exemption, the first invitation to tender, made in 1995, was limited to French companies and service providers who were unaware of the changes.

This year also sees the company’s first jet put into service, a Fokker 100, for the Ajaccio-Marseilles and Bastia-Marseilles routes.

1993: resumption of all the Corsica-mainland services

The regional company continues to structure their networks. From this point on they carry out all Public Service routes between Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi, Nice and Marseilles.

A first commercial stopover is established in Marseilles, with the setting up of the Marseilles-Provence Airport, “ Sales ” and “ Transit ” services.

The company obtains PART145 certification, authorising them to carry out maintenance on their aeroplanes in-house.

1994: pursuit of the international market

The Nice stopover is created, with the set up of “Sales”, “ Transit ” and “ Traffic” services.

At the same time, the CCM enters into partnership with the Air Inter company for whom they ensure daily flights on the Marseilles-Lyon route.

After Rome, the CCM continues to open up Europe with the setting up of seasonal routes to Milan, Geneva and Zurich.

1995: strengthening of the Marseilles stopover

The CCM wins the first European invitation to tender.

The Marseilles stopover is given a “ Traffic ” service.

From this point on, Ajaccio is connected to Milan, via Bastia, in summer.

1996: recognition for the Technical Management

The company’s technical department obtains ISO 9002 Certification, the international certification label that attests to real experience in aircraft maintenance.

The CCM and Air Inter Europe strengthen their partnership: a Fokker 100 for the regional company is chartered partly to ensure the Paris-Corsican service.

1997: strengthening of the partnership with Air France

The company strengthens its presence in Bastia-Poretta airport, with the unveiling of secondary technical premises.

The “CCM Voyages” tour operator, subsidiary of the air company, is created to develop the marketing of complementary products for pre-season and out of season short-stays.

Air France signs a new charter contract with the CCM for the Marseilles-Bordeaux route.

1998: change of head of the CCM

Pierre-Philippe Ceccaldi, founding chairperson, leaves his job as CEC.

François Mosconi, the Local Government Councillor, succeeds him as the company’s Chairman.

The second invitation to tender launched at European level, for servicing Public Service routes, is cancelled owing to the dissolution of the Corsican Assembly.

1999: Corsican skies opens to the competition

A sixth aeroplane arrives to complete the fleet of ATR72s.

In December, during a passionate debate about the future of the company, the Corsican Assembly elected members declare the third European invitation to tender unsuccessful.

The financial compensation system is changed on the Public Service routes (except for Paris) and from now on are open to the competition. The island sky is reigned over by the “Transported Passengers’ Social Aid” system: each operator present on a Public Service route can receive compensation, calculated pro rata according to the number of social passengers transported as a Public Service.

2000: sets a course for new horizons

The new Public Service Requirements come into effect. The CCM focus on its activity from Ajaccio and Bastia. Calvi and Figari airports are served by Air Littoral and Air Liberté.

After Nice and Marseilles, Lyon airport becomes the company’s third “hub” and March sees the launch of daily flights from Ajaccio, Bastia and Calvi.

At the start of July, the Company is authorised as a “ Training Centre with Type-TRTO Certification ”* by the Civil Aviation Senior Management.

The company’s visual identity develops: the Corsican Mediterranean Company becomes “ CCM Airlines ”.

*TRTO : Type Rating Training Organization.

2001: development of air activity

Opening of new seasonal summer lines between Corsica and Strasbourg, Nantes and Bordeaux.

In June 2001, the Training Centre receives the “ Type ATR72 Certification ” and “ Instructor Training Certification ” accreditations.

Optimisation of the fleet usage by developing seasonal flights and charters.

2002: renewal of the fleet

For the spring-summer season, the opening of three new regular seasonal routes and membership of Air France’s loyalty programme “Fréquence Plus”.

For the first time, the company serves Figari, with several flights per week to Lyon on the ATR72.

In October, resignation of Chairman François Mosconi. Pierre-Philippe Ceccaldi, the company’s founding Chairman, returns as CEC.

The Board of Directors approve the Airbus A319 as a replacement for the Fokker 100. The first Airbus joins the company’s fleet in November.

For the autumn-winter programme, CCM Airlines operates the Ajaccio-Paris and Bastia-Paris routes jointly with Air France.

In December, start of the first regular international route: Marseilles-Rome, using a CCM ATR72 through the Air France franchise.

2003: the 10 million passengers mark is reached

The second Airbus A319 is put on line for Ajaccio and Bastia-Paris routes.

The partners CCM Airlines and Air France are chosen for the Paris-Figari route. Basic servicing between Corsica and the capital is henceforth ensured by CCM Airlines with the Airbus A319.

With more than a million passengers transported for the first time in one year, the CCM welcomes its tenth-millionth passenger since its first flight in 1990.

2004: for its 15th anniversary, CCM AIRLINES includes the AIRBUS A320s

15 January 1989 - 15 January 2004: the CCM celebrates its 15th anniversary.

With the passing of Air Littoral, CCM Airlines takes back the Calvi and Figari routes to Marseilles and Nice.

The CCM training organisation, based in Bastia, develops and widens its range of training for air professions, obtaining PART147 certification (for maintenance technicians).

The development of the fleet continues with two Airbus A320s being put into operation on the Ajaccio-Paris and Bastia-Paris routes.

The Ajaccio-Marseilles and Bastia-Marseilles routes are guaranteed by the Airbus A319s in the basic schedule from now on.

2005: Start of renewing the fleet of ATR72s

The company now transports 1.5 million passengers per year.

April: launch of the website for online sales making the self-service issuing of electronic tickets possible.

October: after the European invitation to tender, CCM Airlines is named as a contract provider for Corsica-mainland Public Service routes (Marseilles and Nice). And, together with Air France, for the Paris routes.

The Corsican Regional Authority approves the CEC’s suggestion to transform the then-current mode of governance (a Limited Company with Board of Directors) to a Limited company with Board and Supervisory Board.

13 December: delivery of the first ATR72-500 as part of the fleet renewal and scheduled arrival of six new, next generation turboprop ATR72-500s.

2006: change in the mode of governance

New governance with a Board and Supervisory Board.

In September, election of the Supervisory Board Chairman, Pierre-Philippe Ceccaldi and in October, assumption of duties by the Chairman of the Board, Marc Benedetti. Philippe Dandrieux is named a member of the Board.

Extension of the scope of ISO 9001 certification, that until this point only concerned the technical sector, to cover the whole system of air operations.

Development of the company’s website into a real service portal:  online sales of residents’ rates for the Paris routes, option for booking hotels, launch of all-inclusive travel packages, etc.

2007: strengthening of the area of activity

inclusion of two new models to the fleet of ATR72-500s.

Strengthening of services for the Lyon routes.

Launch of the Paris CDG - Figari South Corsica route.

Launch of the Montpellier - Figari South Corsica route.              

2008: towards greater productivity

After Figari, the extension of the CDG network continues with CDG-Ajaccio and CDG-Bastia routes.

May: set up of a second daily route between Marseilles and Rome. Production and setting up of the CAP 2012 Business Project.

December: retirement of Marc Benedetti, Chairman of the Board.

2009: renewal of the invitation to tender

19 January: Philippe Dandrieux is named by the Supervisory Board as new Chairman of the Board and nomination of Pierre Darpoux, Member of the Board.

February: acquisition of the IOSA certification granted by IATA which replaces all other certification processes.

March: after a three year invitation to tender, renewal of CCM Airlines as Public Service Delegated Contractor for routes on the Corsica-mainland network and of the CCM/Air France group on Paris-Corsica routes.

April: 1st strike by the cabin crew in the history of the company.

July: launch of the second version of the website.

October: signature of an acquisition contract for two new Airbus A320s.

Delivery and launch of the first new Airbus A320 acquired outright by the company, christened the “ Calanche de Piana ”.

Production for the first time by the CCM Airlines technical crew of the first three C Check construction sites for the company’s new ATR72-500s.

2010: renewal of the supervisory board

In January, launch of the second new Airbus A320, the “ Scala di Santa Regina ”.

New section “ Accommodation and Destinations ” on

Following Regional Authority elections in March, renewal of members of the company’s Supervisory Board. François Mosconi is elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

In October, first type-C Check technical visit carried out by CCM Airlines for third party (Air Caraïbes).

The Supervisory Board confirms the company’s new marketing brand : Air Corsica.

November : the CCM stops the Flying Blue programme on the Corsica-mainland routes and to Lyon but keeps it for Paris.

November : delivery of seventh ATR72-500 hired from Air Caraïbes, launch of the loyalty programme and recognition of CCM Airlines

2011 : Recapitalisation and change of business name

14 February : opening of the Marseilles - Venice route.

Recapitalisation of up to 12 million euros confirmed by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

March : cabin crew strike.

May : opening of the Figari-Rome route for summer 2011.

August: setting up of in-flight service of tasting platters made up of local produce on evening flights from Paris-Orly to Ajaccio and Bastia.

September : after an IATA* audit, renewal of IOSA certification for 2 years. * International Air Transport Association

The Supervisory Board names Hervé Pierret as Member of the Board with Philippe Dandrieux, replacing Pierre Darpoux.

October: the Shareholders’ General Meeting approves the changes to the company’s business name and brand, which becomes “ Air Corsica ”.

2012: renewal of the public service contract

March: end of the franchise contract with Air France on the Marseilles-Rome and  Nice -Toulouse routes and resumption by AF of the Marseilles-Venice route.

Air France charters an ATR72-500 from Air Corsica to serve the Marseilles - Milan route.

Renewal of the Public Service Contract invitation to tender on the Marseilles, Nice and Paris-Orly routes for the 2012-2016 period.

Launch of new seasonal routes XK to Ajaccio - Toulouse, Bastia - Toulouse, Ajaccio - Clermont-Ferrand and Ajaccio - Rome.

Renewal and doubling of the frequency of the Figari - Rome route in relation to the previous year.

Cessation of the Bastia - Lyon route, upkeep of traffic to Ajaccio - Lyon, Calvi-Lyon and Figari-Lyon.

April : reception of two new Airbus A320s in the new Air Corsica colours to replace the two A319s. 

May: new logo for the company that uses the Moor’s Head as its symbol.

June: the regional Italian company Meridiana Fly charters an ATR72-500 from Air Corsica to serve its Nice-Olbia route (from June to September 2012).

October : rental for winter of one of the ATR72-500s from Air Corsica to the Czech Airlines company (CZA).

November: creation of a “ PRO Space ” department within Sales Management & Marketing to process groups and “ business ” customers (travel agents, works councils, tour operators, etc.).

2013: new seasonal routes

Resumption by Air France of the franchised Marseilles-Rome and Nice-Toulouse routes and cessation of the Marseilles-Venice route hence redeployment of the ATR fleet.

Return of the company’s 7th ATR72-500 to its owner Air Vendée Investissements.

Wet lease by Meridiana Fly of an ATR72-500 from Air Corsica to operate on the Nice-Olbia route in summer 2012.

Opening of new seasonal routes : Ajaccio – Clermont-Ferrand and Bastia – Toulouse at a rate of one weekly flight, as well as Ajaccio – Rome and Figari – Rome at a rate of two weekly flights.

Replacement of the company’s two Airbus A319s by two new Airbus A320s previously used by Air Berlin and hired from Volito.

Change of airport service assistants for our ATR to Ajaccio and Bastia : CASAVIA in Ajaccio and SATAB in Bastia replace Air France for Transit, Traffic and Runway. Air France, however, maintains sales activities (GSA Partners contract) and baggage disputes on the two platforms.

Hiring of a new Airbus A320 and replacement of one of the two aeroplanes hired from Volito.

“ Dry lease ” of one of our ATR72-500s to the Czech Airlines company (CSA) for the 2012/2013 autumn-winter season.

Launch of a new and even more efficient version of our website : The V3 of the website now makes it possible to modify a ticket that has been booked and paid for with a smoother, more dynamic and user-friendly design.

Replacement of a second A320 hired from Volito by another new Airbus A320 under lease for six years.

First Check C type technical visits on the two Airbuses produced entirely by the company’s technical staff at our own hangar in Ajaccio.

Resumption of the Figari – Orly – Figari formerly handled by Air France with an Airbus based in the extreme south and the opening of a cabin crew base to ensure autonomy for this new activity.

Renewal for two years of the mandated IOSA Certification to operate code-share flights with the major IATA companies such as Air France and Alitalia.

Historic partnership of Air Corsica with the Tour de France cyclist for the 100th edition of the race whose start and first three stages took place in Corsica on 29 and 30 of June and the 1st of July. In this way, Air Corsica participated in the event, as supporter and official transport, with its backing of the Corsican Travel Agency, an aeroplane was decorated in the Tour de France colours and Air Corsica was present at the 2013 Tour Procession, with a visual display composed of a float with three cars that travelled back and forth on routes in France during the whole competition.

Renewal of the lease to Czech Airlines of one of our ATR 72-500s for the whole 2013/2014 autumn-winter season.

2014: AIR CORSICA celebrates its 25-year anniversary

Inclusion of two new Airbus A320s.

Cessation of the Marseilles-Milan route.

Launch of winter flights to European cities (Istanbul, Lisbon, Barcelona, Venice).

Strengthening of partnership with Hop.

New seasonal routes : Ajaccio and Bastia – Toulon, Ajaccio and Calvi  – Perpignan, Bastia – Saint-Etienne, Bastia – Nantes, Bastia – Clermont-Ferrand, Ajaccio and Bastia – Liège, which complete the existing programme.

Return of Air-Corsica to the Bastia – Lyon route.

Painting of the Air Corsica aeroplanes with a new livery aligning its public image more closely with Corsican identity.

2015: financial adjustment  

Resumption of the winter routes to new European capitals : London, Seville, Vienna, Prague, Madrid, Venice, Naples.

New invitation to tender for the future 2016-2020 Public Service Contract.

Setting up a plan of action and economic measures to return to financial stability in the 2015 – 2016 financial year.

May : renewal of IOSA certification.

July : new airport stop-over service providers “ Ground Europe Handling ” for Nice and “ Alyzia ” for Marseilles.

October : new Public Service Contract for the 2016-2020 period and naming of Air France and Air Corsica for servicing Corsica-mainland and Paris-Orly routes.

After intense productivity efforts and excellent results in the 2015 summer season, the company expects a return to profit in the 2015-2016 financial year. 

16 November : entry of Air Corsica in the BSP [Billing and Settlement Plan] France with ID number 146. Air Corsica is now sold in Travel Agencies.

2016: return to profit

16 January : Air Corsica’s resumption of 100% flight ticket sales  and major development of the organisation and jobs in Sales and Marketing Management. 

Renewal of the “ winter destinations ” sales operation to : Amsterdam, Berlin, Budapest, Copenhagen, Grenada, Naples, Palermo, Rome and Venice from Ajaccio and/or Bastia.

February: renewal of Supervisory Board following Regional Authority elections in December 2015.

09 March: election of Jean Biancucci as new Chairman of the company’s Supervisory Board.

27 March : reduction of the “ Classic ” Residents’ Rate (10% cheaper) and creation of a new “ Conditional” Resident’s Rate (30% cheaper) on the Corsica-mainland routes.

Opening of ticket counters at our bases in Nice and Marseilles. Air France continues to ensure our “ physical ” distribution to Ajaccio, Bastia and Calvi.

April: a recent 5th Airbus A320 is put into service, replacing the 25-year-old F-GHQE.

Summer 2016 : opening of Ajaccio-CDG route jointly with Air France.

Study by the Supervisory Board on the new strategic development approaches for the company as part of a Euro-Mediterranean project.

November : in partnership with AF, start of winter services to CDG from Ajaccio and Bastia connecting Corsica to an international hub.

2017: goals and perspectives    

Implementation of the “ Corsican Language Charter ”.

Application of a strategic economic plan to reduce costs, productivity and strategic development.

Launch of a new version of our online sales website for a better customer experience.

Increased opening of the international market with the summer 2017 launch of an ambitious programme to Brussels Sud-Charleroi airport from Ajaccio and Bastia, with the annualisation of these services over three years.


The Air Corsica fleet is composed of two types of modules that are especially well adapted to its short and medium-haul route network : 6 ATR72-500s and 6 Airbus A320s.

The next generation turboprop ATR72-500s are assigned to short-haul routes like Corsica - Lyon, Corsica - Nice, Corsica - Toulouse, Marseilles - Calvi or Marseilles - Figari.

The Airbus A320s are assigned to the Ajaccio-Marseilles, Bastia- Marseilles and Corsica-Paris routes. Two of them were acquired new and outright by the company in December 2009 and January 2010 while the other three are hired. The  last two were included in the brand new fleet and were barely out of the factory in December 2013 and January 2014. 

The Air Corsica Airbuses are next-generation aeroplanes, fitted with electronic flight control. Cat. IIIB Certified. they can land in all weather with reduced visibility. They are also fitted with “ green engines ”, CFM engines that use new technology to noticeably limit nitrogen dioxide emissions into the atmosphere as well as sound pollution and fuel consumption.


  • Capacity : 70 seats
  • Cruise speed : 510 km/h
  • Cruise altitude : 5,500 m
  • Range : 1,700 km
  • Length : 27.16 m
  • Width : 27.05 m


  • Capacity : 180 seats
  • Cruise speed : 840 km/h
  • Cruise altitude : 11,000 m
  • Range : 4.900 km
  • Length : 37.57 m
  • Width : 34.10 m


Connected to its fundamental Public Service mission, since 1999 Air Corsica has been used to developing in a sky open to competition. As part of a prudent growth strategy in a difficult economy, it strives to strengthen its results and contribute to the tourism development of the island.

The network is currently organised around three types of route:

  • Annual Public Service routes set up between Corsica and the mainland (between the four Corsican airports and Marseilles/Nice), and Paris-Orly to and from Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi and Figari (routes operated in a joint venture with Air France).
  • Routes open to the competition all year such as Ajaccio – Lyon, Bastia – Lyon, Ajaccio – Toulouse, Ajaccio-CDG and Bastia-CDG.
  • Seasonal routes operated in their own right by the company to Ajaccio – Bordeaux, Calvi – Bordeaux, Ajaccio – Brussels Sud Charleroi, Bastia – Brussels Sud Charleroi, Calvi – Brussels Sud Charleroi, Ajaccio – Clermont-Ferrand, Bastia – Dole, Ajaccio – London Stansted, Bastia – London Stansted, Calvi – London Stansted, Calvi – Lyon, Figari – Lyon, Ajaccio – Nantes, Bastia – Nantes, Ajaccio – Toulon, Bastia – Toulon, Calvi – Toulouse and Figari – Toulouse.

Key numbers

Air Corsica is a Semi-Public Limited Company with a capital of €15 015 520 held in majority, with 66.84%, by the Corsican Regional Authority. The Company is directed by a Supervisory Board of 18 members representing the shareholders and setting the main strategic directions to be followed and a Board with two heads responsible for implementing this strategy in the daily running of the company.

In this way, the Air Corsica company is the market leader in air transport to and from Corsica. Created in 1989, today Air Corsica employs around 660 people at the four Corsican airports (Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi, Figari), Marseilles, Nice and Paris-Orly. Every day the employees carry out their mission they have been assigned: to offer a reliable and efficient service to Corsica and Corsicans.

Since their first flight in June 1990, the company has transported more than 28 million passengers at an annual rate of nearly 2 million passengers over the last few years. This illustrates a concrete example of a successful decentralisation policy. In addition, the company transports more than 2, 000 tonnes of freight (merchandise) each year.

Air Corsica serves and connects a total of 16 airports from Corsica to the mainland and Belgium with a total of 31 routes : 15 regular routes operated all year round and 16 seasonal routes only operated in summer, depending on the destination. These air links represent about 25, 000 annual flights and up to 800 flights per day during the summer season.  

With a turnover of around 180 million Euros per year, Air Corsica’s economic impact on the island’s economy increases by around 90 million Euros per year.

Air Corsica now comprises a fleet of 12 aeroplanes composed of 6 ATR72-500s and 6 Airbus A320s.


Air Corsica has been the company of reference for Corsica for the last 28 years. They transport and satisfy more than 1, 700,000 customers each year, by meeting the quality requirements of the major international companies.

Guaranteeing the safety/security and quality of the services offered is an absolute priority for Air Corsica.

Air Corsica has thus set up a safety programme, a security programme and reference document for services on the ground and in the air.

Air Corsica Safety/Security general policy

Appointment of a Chairman of the Board

Upkeep of the high level of daily Safety/Security that is part of the priority aims of the Air Corsica company and remains more than ever on the agenda.

It must be established as the main and constant preoccupation of each colleague in the company. I hereby confirm my desire to put the safety and security of the flights at the forefront of the company’s priorities.

I hereby commit  as Senior Manager  to:

  • Maintain the high level of Safety/Security of our operations.
  • To reinforce the safety/security culture in all sectors of the company by monitoring the appropriation of the reference document for the staff concerned in the company.
  • To meet the national and international standards and requirements.
  • Strengthen communication in matters of risk analysis and to monitor all safety/security incidents occurring during operations to make them the subject of an enquiry or systematic report in order to be able to implement preventative and corrective actions as necessary.

So that these general aims are reached in the event, the actions must be conducted at the centre of all sectors of the company under the responsibility of both senior and middle management. To this effect, I make this formal committment :

  • To guarantee the level of human and material resources to implement our safety/security policy.
  • To develop in all our activities, a safety/security culture based on effective and concrete management.
  • To guarantee the setting up of a “ fair culture ” promoting feedback on the events in operation.
  • To specify the obligations and responsibilities of all staff involved in the setting up of safety/security measures.
  • To reduce the air safety/security risks as effectively as possible.
  • To guarantee that any project or change that impacts security/safety is subject to an enquiry.
  • To guarantee that the staff involved in the operation of flights receive appropriate training and information with regard to safety/security.
  • To guarantee continual improvement of our methods and procedures that impact safety/


  • To define the relevant indicators and periodically set performance objectives for    safety/security estimating their effects and defining the associated plans of action.
  • To develop a security/safety promotion policy with the staff responsible for security/safety. 
  • To review the safety/security policy periodically in order to guarantee its relevance and     consistency with the operation.

To ensure that the good application of commitments of the security and safety committees is organised regularly.  

Philippe Dandrieux
Chairman of the Board

Senior Manager

Certifications and compliance with the regulations

Air Corsica meets the requirements of all French, European and international regulations        possesses all the corresponding certifications and authorisations.

  • Exploitation and Operations: AOC no. FR.AOC 0006 (Air Operator’s Certificate). This authorisation delivered and monitored by the French Civil Aviation Authority guarantees the operation of the aircraft in maximum safety conditions.
  • Transport of dangerous goods : DG.0300 Ed. 01. Air Corsica is authorised for the transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with the procedures described in OM.A Chapter DAN09.
  • Airworthiness of the aircrafts: FR.MG.008. This authorisation delivered and monitored by the French Civil Aviation Authority ensures maintenance of the aircrafts’ airworthiness is kept up in accordance with the European standard EASA Part M.
  • Maintenance of the aircrafts: EASA FR.145.0021. Air Corsica manages a qualified Maintenance Body in accordance with the European standard EASA Part 145. This guarantees maintenance in accordance with the strictest standards.
  • Training of maintenance staff : FR.147.0017. Air Corsica has an accredited Training Centre certification for maintenance staff in accordance with the requirements of the regulations.
  • International Quality Certification International IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit): Air Corsica is also  IOSA certified, which demonstrates recognition of the international level of its organisation and procedures. The IOSA is a world-renown evaluation system created to evaluate management of the operations, air operator control systems and     aircraft maintenance systems. The IOSA, renewed every two years, pursues the essential aim which is the improvement of the safety and security of operations.

Reference documentation and commitment to service quality

For several years, Air Corsica has been committed to quality processes for customers to best meet their expectations. The passengers, in effect, endorse the company, the service quality, the advice, the attentiveness, transparency and efficacy.

To meet these expectations, a reference document was developed setting the company’s service policy for the customers experience on the ground and in the air with a high level of performance requirements.

The service commitments of Air Corsica are based on the following aims:

  • A professional and attentive attitude.
  • An effective organisation for the customers’ comfort.
  • Clear and relevant information.
  • Services and assistance suitable for people with special requirements.
  • Rigorous management of irregularities.
  • To listen to customers’ expectations and evaluate their satisfaction.

Air Corsica therefore sets up the “ service markers ” that enable internal and regular assessment of the compliance of these commitments. This process is completed by customer satisfaction surveys analysed by the Sales & Marketing Management.

Air partners

Air Partners

Air Corsica  opens up the world to you by developing air partners allowing you     

to travel beyond their network and also to give access to Corsica to a greater number of passengers by offering a number of travel combinations.

Code-share flights operated with our partners:

On code-share routes, customers benefit from a single rate and a single ticket for the whole of their journey. They can also check in themselves and their baggage for the whole journey at the departure airport.

Air France Logo

Historic partner on the routes between Paris and Corsica, today Air Corsica and Air France are the transport frame of reference to/from the mainland from Paris-Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle, at a rate of eight to fifteen per day.

> Company website

Hop Logo

Partner, affiliate of Air France, on routes between Paris and Corsica as well as routes between the provinces/Corsica.

> Company website

Alitalia Logo

Partner on routes between Italy and Corsica.

> Company website

Partner flights:

To meet all the expectations of their passengers, Air Corsica has developed several commercial Interline agreements (IET [Interline E-Ticket] agreement) with a number of air companies, including: Aigle Azur, Air Austral , Air Madagascar, British Airways, Czech Airlines, Emirates, KLM, Monacair, Qatar Airways, Royal Air Maroc, Tunisair, etc.